Sarapiqui River Boat Tour, Costa Rica
The Sarapiqui River Boat tour is a most fabulous thing to do in Costa Rica if you’re near the town of Puerto Viejo in Heredia Province. Now mind you, we did the calm 2-hour version, not the white water rafting jammie. Our focus was on experiencing some of the incredible flora and fauna along the river banks–and we were NOT disappointed!
As with any tour, the animals may or may not show up when you go, I remember when I was in Cozumel, Mexico–matter of fact, one of the reasons I wanted to go there was due to an article I’d read years prior raving on the amount of birds they saw, birds birds EVERYWHERE…
wey-all, da birdz didn’t get the memo and I saw nary a one. Not a one. I was soooooo disappointed! But, it was a lesson about not allowing one’s expectations to color the experience and find what is there to be enjoyed. Same with our visit to the Iguana Cafe on this trip–there were tons of them on our first visit, barely any on the return. But mannnnnnn, I got to see my dude feed and pet one this go ’round!
Anywho, I digress. We were so very happy on this trip, we saw so much thanks to the keen eye of our boat tour guide and driver Daniel along with the eagle-eyed Frank Herrera, of Frank Tours…
’cause you know if it were left up to ya girl, we’dah seen NOTHING! 🤣🤣🤣
And There Was A Guest
Little did we know that morning that we would have a surprise when we got into the van! We finally got to meet Frank’s lovely wife Marielle, who is not only stunning but such a sweetheart! She too had a sharp eye and helped to point out things she’d spotted along the way we would have not seen.

Sly, Marielle & Me right before heading into the boaton the Sarapiqui River.
(wow, my hair is a lot grayer than I realize…aw’right on the natural highlights, I love it!)

And Frank makes four! (Oh man, Sly’s outfit is so chic, his color palette fits the scene perfectly!)
Oh Man, the Sights, THE SIGHTS!
As soon as we stepped out of the van, the attendant at the entrance took us immediately to a sloth (which took some doing for me to actually locate it…)
(I’m always the one who says ‘where?’ after someone shouts ‘LOOK!’ Always. It never fails. And I have always been like that, even if somebody walks past me in a Big Bird outfit, I may not see it 🤣🤣🤣). Luckily though after some doing, I did finally spot it! The bigger treat was that we saw it on the way out and I got a good look that time, matter of fact, it’s the cover photo!
Once in the boat, actually before we got in I was already going ‘oh boy, where’s the life jackets? The boat was a bit smaller than I was comfortable in…boyyyyyyy were we low to the water! I had a quick flashback to when in Hong Kong I had gone to Tai-O, a fishing village on on the other side of Lantau Island…I was all geeked up to take a tour but didn’t factor in that basically it was in a canoe! Getting in was a trip onto itself and once in I was ok. Even going along the canal I was good until the tour went out into the open sea and there were huge fishing vessels nearby…
Ooooo Bird you’re digressing again! Luckily, happily, no such thing happened on this trip and once I got my nerves together and focused on OOOOOOOO! HOWLER MONKEYS! Where? There! Where? Over there in that tree? Which tree? Look there! I don’t see them. I do hear them tho’
(the point being that once the boat disembarked, I was too busy seeing what I could and couldn’t see to be concerned with being scared!)
And while I didn’t catch the howler monkeys, the Sarapiqui River Boat Tour had some seee-rious goodies in store…

Say Cheese!
So if you’re looking for something on the mellower side in which to take in the beauty of Costa Rica and you’d like a break from hiking, I whole-heartedly recommend the Sarapiqui River Boat Tour!
Costa Rica, we LOVE YOU! Pura Vida!!! (Pure Life)
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They are the 8th Best Air B&B in the world
Frank Tours: Facebook
Stay Tuned for The Next Installment: Waterfall Paradise
If you missed any of our Costa Rican adventures:
Butterflies, Hummingbirds, Waterfalls, OH MY! & Coffee
The Magic That is Bio Thermales Hot Springs
Independence Day 2022, Costa Rica
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