“I can’t waste any more time doing the things I know do not fulfill me…”
Welcome to episode 4 of Roll With Peace, In Mind. In this episode, I introduce the periodic series ‘Are You On The Right Train? Riding On The Urge’ featuring folks who have chosen to follow their hearts, dreams and passions. They did not and do not listen to the nay-sayers or the ‘it can’t be done-ners’ but step out on Faith and Intention, not allowing fears to derail them.
Today’s spotlight is on Ms. Kimberly Sumpter, CEO of the Wax Kandy Candle Co. She is also the Creator, Producer, and Host for the Sistahs Connect Podcast and has a thriving FaceBook group of the same name. She shares her inspiring story with us amidst some difficult times and decisions.
Be sure to check Kimberly out at the links below:
Websites: Wax Kandy Candle Co. & Sistahs Connect Podcast
Instagram: @sistahsconnect & @waxkandy
Twitter: @sistahsconnect
FaceBook: Sistahs Connect & Sistahs Connect FaceBook Group
The original music composed for this episode is by Sylvester “Sly” Scott titled ‘Sisters Chat’ and you can hit him up on his FaceBook Page and on Instagram
And lastly, who am I? I am Jacquie Bird of Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness–I consider myself a ‘Spiritual Guide’ not in the religious sense but kinda like a Life Coach–when we are disconnected from our inner wellbeing and thought processes, it sets off all kinds of Emotional, Spiritual and Mental imbalances. My Life has taught me there is nothing more important than our inner health, our mental health and outlook–in Essence, our WellBeing. I have lived as a Creative, and teacher since the age of 18. Bumps in the road? Um yeah…a LOT! They hurt? Uh huh, made a grown girl cry. But everything is a step in The Journey, to be Experienced and to be Learned from. Today I navigate with much more Grace, Wisdom, Joy, Intention, Mindfulness, Humor and GRATITUDE.
In these podcast episodes, I share what I have learned and am still learning, with YOU.
For me, Spiritual Wellness is of the utmost importance–I am the author of the eBook series www.jacquiebirdspiritualwellness.com
Remember to SUBSCRIBE, DOWNLOAD, LISTEN and SHARE. REPEAT. Thank you so much for your interest in my podcast, I hope it is helpful to you and if you have questions and/or comments I would love to hear them.