Costa Rica. My 10 Day Wellness Reset: Prologue
I definitely needed that 10 Day Costa Rica Wellness Reset, I was a bit busted up–skin was breaking out due to cellulitis, my hamstring was jacked up and I just plain ol’ needed to be back there. You see, I had been pining to return since our first trip in 2012, it’s crazy how a decade can just zip by!
In 2020 we had a trip booked but the pandemic rendered it null and void. And even though I knew we couldn’t go, I was in denial and hadn’t canceled our flight. It was only until our dear friend Kathy told us not to come did reality sink in. I was crushed. So what was a girl to do hearing that edict? Well, cry of course. I boo-hooed like a baby without her blankie. The world may have been on lockdown but I still wanted to go so bad!
However, the one thing about not getting what you want when you want it is that when you do get it, it’s more incredible than you can even imagine.

Our home for 10 incredible days! This casita is named for the bird Oropendola and the 3 nests that hang off the roof in the front are made by that bird.
Can We Just Turn Around and Go Back Now, Please?
As of this writing I’ve been home over a week and am in seeeeerious withdrawal, almost depressed, for currently it feels like I’m in the Suspended Animation Zone, where I have become even more clear on what I want but feel as if I’m in limbo. Standing in the space between Desire and Manifestation can be a doozy, but in this space one can continue to fine-tune the Vision plus practice Patience, Trust, Mindfulness and deepen Intention.
And then there’s the other side, the side of impatience–I can be like the words of a Sistah-friend who was imitating me one day, “I WANT IT NOW!” So yeah, I am having bouts of I WANT IT NOWisms.
Standing at the juxtaposition of Desire and Patience, I am called to practice what I preach. Sigh. oh damn, BUSTED!
…the great thing tho’ is that I’ve got some bangin’ pix and vidz to revisit and share with y’all!
What A Trip! WOW!
Restorative in so many ways plus we got to do quite a bit of sight-seeing along with spending time with very beloved people. Costa Rica is a picturesque, mountainous country and we also really dug the food! WOW!
We stayed at an insanely magical oasis called Bio Thermales Hot Springs in the Alajuela province near the town of Aguas Zarcas. Created by Kathy Dyer and Bernie Zabel with lots of contributions from their general manager Johan, the place is a bio-reserve on land rich in hot springs. You can see the links below. What I love so much are the hosts (what soulfully beautiful people are they) and what they created is off da chain! (the photo in the header is from the terrace from the Oropendola, a 2 floor casita (small house) we stayed in.
I’ll be riffin’ more on Bio Thermales and our hosts in future installments as well as going on and on about our masterful and thoroughly enjoyable tour guide Frank Herrera Mendez who runs Frank Tours (his link is below as well) I can’t rave about him enough!
Why Costa Rica?
I’ve been fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel pretty extensively and have been to places like India, Japan (6 times) Hong Kong, and Colombia (8 times) to name a few. But of all the places I’ve been, there are only 3 places that felt like home–Japan, Colombia and Costa Rica. Each visit felt like I could call those places home but Costa Rica is singing my Soul Song.
The country slogan is ‘Pura Vida’ which roughly translates to ‘Pure Life.’ And that country abolished their army in 1948!
So why Costa Rica? It’s simple. I feel an immense and intense connection to the land, the climate and the Vibe. That place has my Heart and I plan to return asap…

Frank is the absolute BEST tour guide and so much fun to be around!

Sly, Frank & I at a place I’ll tell y’all about in a future post…

Our uber-incredible hosts and the forces behind the magical Bio Thermales. Kathy & Bernie, I cannot thank you enough for your kindness, generosity, friendship, and Love. We are forever Grateful and we Love You!
Costa Rica, we LOVE YOU! Pura Vida!!! (Pure Life)
Next up:
Bio Thermales Hot Springs: Facebook & Air BnB
They are #1 in Ranchos on Trip Advisor and the 8th Best Air B&B in the world
Frank Tours: Facebook
Check out my guided meditation videos to help you reduce stress and anxiety. They are also offered in audio form with a choice of 5-6 minutes and a longer deeper session for about 30 minutes. You can also order custom guided meditation audio tailormade to fit your needs. And keep in mind my StressBusters Guided Meditation sessions to book in-person or virtual.
For more ideas, tips and How-To’s on getting your Zen Zone Mojo happnin’ and to reduce stress, anxiety, anger, depression as well as increasing Mindfulness and Awareness, there are an array of stress and anxiety relieving products and services as well as events to check out on my site.
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Your Wellness Guide
Costa Rica sounds Divine. Can’t wait to hear more about your adventure
Thank you so much for reading. Next Monday the next part drops!
I can see you were in your happy place!
I most certainly was!!! Thank you for reading!! ⚘️