A Mindfulness Moment: Guided Meditation for Stress Relief and Inner Peace


In this Mindfulness Moment, I offer a guided meditation for stress relief and Inner Peace. When we are beginning our Mindfulness Practice, often we are not sure how to approach meditation. There are so many choices and rules people make when in Essence, anything you give your full attention to can be a meditation in and of itself. But many times we are bogged down with work and chores, forgetting to breathe and remain PRESENT.

Why? There are many reasons for this but one of the main ones is that we are either focused in the past or on the future, so when we are doing a task, we are thinking about 40 other things that have to get done.

And with all that heavy thinking and mind-wandering, we neglect ourselves. That’s why the practice of meditation is so incredibly valuable–it brings you right back to you. So I invite you to take a moment and go with me on this guided meditation.


Nothing to Think About, Just BE


Listen to the sound and look into the images in the video below to

Release, Relax, Reset. Imagine Yourself Experiencing…

complete and total Calmness…

Peace….and RELAXATION.

Breathe in Deeply here, 1, 2, 3, 4…

and Exhale…repeat

Breathe in Deeply here, 1, 2, 3, 4…


Repeat The Breath,

Feel Yourself melting…

as You Release…


and RESET.

Continue Breathing…

Slow and Deep, Deep and Slow…

Pull the images up from this video in your mind when you feel yourself beginning to stress, become anxious or angry. Incorporate your breathing slow and deep, deep and slow…

Remember to program in and take a Mindfulness Moment to reset and regroup throughout your day.

The music in this video is Let It Go original sound healing meditation music from my SoundSoulVibin’ Music 




We feel so much more refreshed when we take the time to BREATHE Consciously…getting that shot of deep air can truly clear your head, allowing you to make better decisions and choices. Like taking a pause before you speak in anger, or make impetuous actions that you regret taking. Gazing into a photograph or video (like the one above) that relaxes you and seeing flowing water is replenishing!

Incorporate deep breathing in your daily schedule, it is amazing what taking deep Conscious breaths can do. Something so simple yet very effective. If you are diligent in practicing self-care, you will find that taking a Mindfulness Moment will become your bestie fo’ sho!


While You’re Still Here…

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from Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness:

Self Help Book 28 Daily Thoughts & Mantras 4 Mindfulness

Check out my Wellness Guide

28 Daily Thoughts & Mantras 4 Mindfulness–Keys 4 Stress Relief & Personal Growth,



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Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness Guided Meditation. Reduce stress, anxiety, gain mindfulness and personal growth

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Music for sleep. SoundSoulVibin' Music for Sleep. Reduce stress, anxiety, gain mindfulness and personal growth

SoundSoulVibin’ Music

Sound Healing Music for Sleep, Meditation, Yoga and to Rejuvenate as well as

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Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness

Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness

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