Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland Tour
–My Time in New Zealand Day 2
Day 2 in New Zealand was just glorious! After rehearsal, we visited the Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland Tour. We were still in the town of Rotorua, 3 hours southeast of Auckland. It started with a delicious breakfast buffet in The Rotorua Regency Hotel, followed by a super fast shopping ‘spree’ with Keri, Harry and Ceilhe (pronounced K-Lee). Ceilhe, along with her husband, are the owners of the wonderful Time Unlimited Tours.
I was really lucky to have some free time during the trip to hang with them and learn more about Māori culture, beautiful New Zealand and its people.
I had become mad taken with the pendants they wear around their necks. The tradition is they must receive these hand-carved stone and shell creations as gifts.
I was, however, overjoyed to hear they were sold in the souvenir shops! They took me to Te Puia, but before going into the shop, I was given an insight into Māori culture:
I also got to see some young men carving some of the displays sold in the gallery with Keri explaining the significance.
And I Bought…
Then it was time to go see what was going home with me. Below are the two jade pieces (green stone or Pounamu in Māori) that chose me as was explained to me by a merchant I met later that evening.

My Tiki Jade Pendant. It is referred to as ‘Green Stone and the Maori call it Pounamu. Signifies Good Luck, Strength and Fertility.
When I was talking to my newly made friend Teresa about the meanings of the Tiki pendant, she looked at me and said wryly, “guess you needn’t worry about the fertility part…” I cracked up!
But folks, Fertility is not just about being pregnant and bringing babies into the world, it’s about the ESSENCE of Abundance. the Acknowledgement that You are a Co-Creator in The Life Experience and that there is Flow in Your Life (even when You don’t feel that way, but connecting to that Intention of Flow will help to open the channels in which to Receive).

Double Twist Jade Pendant. It is referred to largely as Green Stone, The Māori call it Pounamu. Represents the joining of two peoples or cultures rather than individuals.
After the whirlwind shopping spree, I was dropped off at the meeting house (wharenui) for rehearsal with The Young People’s Chorus of NYC. Then it was off to a lunch buffet!
On To The Wai-O-Tapu!
After our 100+ group of children and adults descended upon Valentine’s Buffet inhaling an assortment of fries, nuggets, mac and cheese and other typical foods of choice for ages 12-19, (thank goodness there was an ample supply of foods for those of us that like to eat healthily) we piled into the buses for the trip to Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland Tour.
And OHMYGOODNESS, IT WAS INCREDIBLE!! The geothermal pools were absolutely INSANE! WOW! Set to the backdrop of ultra blue skies with a cloud or two, there were so many pools! And the smell of sulfur was deep in the air!
The site is located in what’s known as the Taupō Volcanic Zone, which is one of the most active volcanic regions in the world. All around the springs you saw signs warning that if you hear sirens boogie yo’ ass on up outta there (a little paraphrasing here but you get my drift!) The Wai-O-Tapu sits on the edge of the largest caldera in the Southern Hemisphere, one of four calderas in the zone.
Geothermal Spring at Wai-O-Tapu

The Champagne Pool at Wai-O-Tapu

Chillin’ at the Champagne Pool
After the 45-60 minute tour we descended upon the souvenir shop. Picture our large group milling around choosing an assortment of items ranging from stuffed animals and animal like stuffed things they ooh’ed and ahh’ed over, OMG THIS IS SOOOOOOOO CUTE, I LOVE HIM!! with me thinking, ‘that has GOT to be THE ugliest thing evah, but hey, if it floats cha boat that’s all that matters…’
I too helped the shop smile in furthering their bottom line as I saw some things I liked including 2 cool tee shirts for my dude.
Followed By A Fun Evening
Piling back onto the buses we were off to Skyline Rotorua for a gondola trip up the side of the mountain to ride the Luge which I opted out of to wander into, yup you guessed it, another souvenir shop! And I’m glad I did ’cause I met Teresa, who worked in the shop and we just clicked, chatting about many things. It started with me asking her about the tattoo on her chin–she told me it was to honor the women in her family who are no longer here and have gone on to a Higher Place.

Teresa & I in the souvenir shop that she works in at Skyline Rotorua.
Next up: The Redwoods Treewalk Day 3
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