The World Choir Games 2024
–My Time in New Zealand
Now for the World Choir Games 2024! That was the reason I was in New Zealand with The Young People’s Chorus of NYC to begin with. They were to compete in five categories of which included my choreography in four of those categories. The day of the competition had a very early start, we were out the door at 7:50AM (OUCH for this night owl) for tech rehearsal.
Tech is short for a rehearsal in which the technical aspects of a show is worked on. Things like, sound, lighting, and spacing on the stage (called blocking), then a run-thru of the performance. All this takes place before the audience is allowed into the theater. (*Note, that’s how it’s done when I’ve worked with YPC).
On that day, we were competing in two categories–Pop with Choreography and the Children’s’ Category. Unfortunately, we were the first ones up in the first category of the entire competition, which was Pop with Choreography.
But Before That…
We got to experience THE OPENING CEREMONY of The World Choir Games!! Mannnnn it was pretty cool! Quite a lot of pomp and circumstance, which reminded me of when I danced in the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics that took place in L.A. Very much the spectacle with dancing, singing and plenty of visuals.
I didn’t know as I was watching, that the dance above represents the Māori’s ancestors finding Aotearoa (the Māori name for New Zealand). Aotearoa means ‘land of the long white cloud’ which according to legend is how their Polynesian ancestors knew where to settle.
One of their Elders foretold of a land with a long white cloud, referring to the North Island. The South Island was called Te Waipounamu which means ‘the waters of greenstone.’ Now all of New Zealand (named by a cartographer from the Dutch East India Company) is called Aotearoa by the Māori.
Didn’t you just love the little one in the video above? Too too cute! Much of Māori culture is passed down through song, and we see the next generation is well on their way!
The Day of the Awards Ceremony
After seeing the Opening Ceremony it was time to get down to business–The Awards Ceremony! (did you think I meant the actual competition?) LOL, nooooo skipping to the day when much excitement and anticipation was to be had!
Sometimes there is much hilarity in spontaneity!

Lindz, Me & Deborah grab a photo op!

Lindz of YPC & I at the Awards Ceremony for the World Choir Games 2024. This pic made it onto the World Choir Games Instagram feed!

Anticipation at the Awards Ceremony for the World Choir Games 2024

The stage is set for the Awards Ceremony for the World Choir Games 2024 in Auckland, NZ
In Conclusion:
YPC: 5 Gold Medals, 1 Choir of The World in the Pop with Choreography (YAYYYYY TO THE CHOREOGRAPHER!!!)

Choir of The World, The Young People’s Chorus of NYC at the World Choir Games in Auckland, NZ 2024. Winner of the Pop with Choreography category.

My Gold Medal. Winner in Pop with Choreography, Choir of the World in the 2024 World Choir Games with The Young People’s Chorus of NYC. #choreographer #choreography

Back of My Gold Medal. Winner in Pop with Choreography, Choir of the World in the 2024 World Choir Games with The Young People’s Chorus of NYC
Stay Tuned for The Next Installment that Drops
Monday September 30th @9:30AM EST
Well-Being Resources
from Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness:
Check out my Wellness Guide 28Daily Thoughts & Mantras 4 Mindfulness–Keys 4 Stress Relief & Personal Growth,
To help you reduce stress and anxiety. They are offered with a choice of 5-6 minutes and a longer deeper session for about 30 minutes.
You can also order Custom Guided Meditation Audio tailormade to fit your needs.
And keep in mind my StressBusters Guided Meditation sessions to book in-person or virtual.
Sound Healing Music for Sleep, Meditation, Yoga and to Rejuvenate.
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