TOTALITY: Being In The Present Moment


We Mindfulness folk talk a lot about BEING PRESENT. Which is reflected in the tarot card below–Totality: Being In The Present Moment. Think of the times you were truly engaged in something you enjoyed doing, how did you feel? You didn’t worry about time, finances, or problems–you were thoroughly engrossed and absorbed by the activity or moment.

You probably felt a total ONENESS with something much bigger than problems, worries and a “Monkey Mind” (love that phrase) as our minds jump from thought to thought to thought. ARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH we drive ourselves MAD!


Our Minds Do Soooooo Much Mindless Micro-Managing, OY!


“We may feel there are too many things to do at once, but get bogged down to trying to do a bit here, a bit there, instead of taking one task at a time and getting on with it…”

(I know this idea is almost sacrilegious in this multi-tasking day and age BUT…)

“…developing the knack of being total in responding to whatever comes, as it comes, is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Taking one step through life at a time, giving each step your complete attention and energy, can bring a wondrous new vitality and creativity to all that you do.” —Osho Zen Tarot deck


totality being in the present moment osho tarot card



Look at the imagery in this card, the three people are fearlessly engrossed and focused on the activity…’cause if they weren’t we know the consequences don’t we? There is also white light where the hands are to connect, as well as yellow at the center of the action. Yellow is the color of the solar plexus or 3rd chakra, the center of our Will and of Manifestation. It is the body’s energy center and connected to personal power.

When our 3rd chakra is in Alignment and clear, the energy of our bodies is said to flow freely. Being Present is a wonderful way to connect to our power center and allow our energy to flow.


For Real Tho, When Are You Truly In The Present Moment?


At what moments are you at your most Total in the course of the day? Where and when do you find yourself TOTALLY engrossed and engaged where your mind is One with what you are focusing on and/or Experiencing? 

Can you think of anything?

Ok, so what did you come up with?

How do you feel when so engrossed? (as opposed to grossed out!)

More please!!! How can you bring MORE of that into Your Life? Orrrrr how would you LIKE to bring more of that feeling into Your Life?

Even better, how do You INTEND to bring more of that feeling into Your Life? What steps can you take, what can you incorporate into the daily YOU? Is it adding more fun? Maybe taking up a hobby you’ve had your eye on but keep putting off for various reasons? Is it beginning a Mindfulness Practice? A Meditation Practice? A Gratitude Journal? Starting a business or at least visualizing it in your mind?


Being Present: Truly Give Your Attention


I witnessed a serious example of what Being In The Present Moment looks like. I remember hearing Phylicia Rashad speak as part of the SAG Conversations series. There were about 200 of us in a small room hanging on her every word during the interview. I like many, was chomping at the bit to speak to her at the end but when the interview was finished, the host began to usher her out as we sprang into swarm mode. She graciously said ‘oh no no no’ and began to chat with us one on one.

I had my schpiel planned as I didn’t want to take up a lot of time as there were a bunch of folks still left after a bunch of us had already had her ear. So as I stepped in and she turned to acknowledge me, I hurriedly told her we had met when I attended a rehearsal for her act as my then husband was a member of her band & barreled on to my next point and almost missed her say “how nice to see you again.” That shocked me to my very core and in mid-sputter, I realized she was looking me DEAD IN MY EYE.

I had her TOTAL focus AND attention–it was as if I was the only person in the room! There was no looking over my head to see who was more interesting or “important” to talk to or who she knew–you know how folks can do that to ya right? There was an air of Peace and Wisdom that flowed from her and time was suspended. I mean, it was DEEP PEOPLE! 

She was absolutely Present, and once I caught myself racing through a convo, it made me become totally Present. We had a lovely exchange that I was able to enjoy because I was not in the past, thinking how much I admired her nor was I in the future worrying about taking up her time so someone else could speak with her before we all got thrown out.

I was also not preoccupied on my phone trying to get a photo. These memories lie deep within my Soul.


How To BE More Present?


I talk about this a lot in my book 28 Daily Thoughts & Mantras 4 Mindfulness–Keys 4 Stress Relief & Personal Growth.

Here’s an example from the book:

Action Meditation: taking a a shower, drinking water and washing our hands are some of the best mind wandering times evah!! See if You can use these activities to stay Present by actually Being AWARE of what You are doing as You are doing it…”

It’s as basic as that. Take any action you do daily that you consider mundane and practice Presence. If you’re folding clothes, see if you can keep your mind focused on the action of folding the clothes. Note the texture of the fabric, the color(s) and how the light hits the fabric. See what else you may notice while you do this.

When you find your mind wandering, don’t judge, just gently turn your focus back to the task at hand. As time goes on and with Intention and repetition, you will be able to keep your mind more of the time on what you’re doing.

If you never fold your clothes, choose any what we would call ‘mindless’ activity and actually put your mind there. 

Then it will no longer be mindless  🙂

Join Me


I have a guided meditation with sound healing virtual event January 19th to help balance and center…another great way to get and BE Present. 

If you miss this one, check my events page for future ones. To really stay in the loop, join my mailing list.



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Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness

Jacquie Bird, Spiritual Wellness

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